So, as you all know about my penchant for Wedding Porn, it will come as no surprise that the Porn doesn't only take the shape of magazines. Wedding blogs, wedding websites, photography websites, invitation-design websites... it all falls under the same category. Professionally I choose to call it R&D, but I think we all know what it really is!
Anyway, there is a website out there that caters to the likes of addicts such as myself. It is chock full of delicious photos and stories about all things wedding. It is the "end all, be all" for wedding professionals and brides-to-be and I am surely not alone in my love for this site. It is called Style Me Pretty and it is like the industry bible!
Maybe it's not even like the bible.. it's like an old episode of Arsenio Hall. Do you remember when his guests would come on and he'd be like "you are awesome". The guest would say "no, no, YOU are awesome". And they would go back and forth, professing their love for each other until the time ran out and there was no actual interview!
This is sort of the same thing... it's like a wedding love fest for all things stylish and beautiful.
Anyway, several months ago I decided to write an email to Abby, the editor of Style Me Pretty, introducing her to little ol' me. I wrote an email, with photos of my work, and tried to find a balance of "I adore you" combined with "I'm worth it, I swear!", with a just a hint of "Seriously, I'm unique, and make gorgeous invitations, and you should definitely fall in love with me and write a huge piece about me on your blog so I can get some much deserved attention!"
Well, never actually having had the balls to send it, the email is still in my drafts folder!
Cut to yesterday. The phone rings in the afternoon, it's a number I don't recognize. I pick up and the woman on the other end of the phone says "Hi, this is Jessica with Style Me Pretty".
My heart started beating quickly, my mind started racing. Was this really happening?
"Jenn, I just saw your website and thought it was amazing, so I forwarded it to my editor Abby and she thought it was amazing too. She wanted me to get in touch with you immediately..."
As Jessica was talking, it started sounding better and better. Had they figured out how amazing my invitation skills are? Did they want to do a huge story on me? Were they calling to lavish me with praise?
"Jenn, we thought you would be a perfect..."
Yes, yes... go on.
"Jenn, we thought you would be a perfect fit for our website, and wondered if you would... {pause} like to advertise on our site?"
Uhmmm, WHAT? Advertise? Oh. {deflated sigh!}
Well, it turns out that Style Me Pretty hand selects it's advertisers and they thought enough of me to ask me to pay them thousands of dollars to have my name appear on their site. It's not exactly what I was hoping for, but I suppose in Wedding Porn world, and as a true addict, it's nearly as good!
well, I'm certainly no stylemepretty, but I do loooove your stuff. so, I propped you one my blog, brokensaucer.blogspot.com.
That's very disappointing! Like you, I've been a big fan of Style Me Pretty for years. Abby gave me a big break in my blogging career by letting me guest blog on her blog back in 2007. She's gotten real big now. I was wondering how the "Black Book" worked. I didn't realize it cost thousands to get listed! The makes it lose some credibility with me. Anyway, I love your blog and if you want to guest blog (www.ourweddingplus.com)on my blog that would be great!
I love your unique products, like the wedding invitation with the starfish and the save the dates with the champagne cork! Very unique!