It's what I know. It's what I think. Hell, It's what I want to tell everyone, but never have the exact words without sounding like I'm selling Amway products!
This nugget of juicy information is based on scientifically proven findings from the "Value of Design FactFinder". Thank you FactFinder.
Here is another fantastic piece of evidence:
"Two thirds of companies who ignore design have to compete mainly on price. In companies where design is integral, just one third do so."
This makes me sit back in my chair (which definitely did NOT compete on price, based on it's highly-praised design components) and feel satisfied. Almost as though I just ate a lobster & filet mignon at Harris', washed down with a ruby red 2006 Charter Oak Petite Syrah. I'm full.
Although, I might have room for dessert... ask me again in five minutes, I could possibly be ready for more!
You NEED to write a column. You are ONE OF THE BEST WRITERS I have EVER come across.
Hey girl- i made it over to check you out. I love to keep up with what you all are up to. Ditto with the last comment....YOU can write girl!